Beverage MGMT 2010 Fall Diary Blog
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Winemaking Videos
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here are the links to some of the videos we have been unable to watch - due to "technical malfunctions". Since I am unsure whether we will get the opportunity to attempt to watch them again I will post so you can review during your "independent study time". I hope this helps to clarify some of the information.
Distillation -
Brown Goods -
Bourbon -
Jack Daniels -
Tequila -
Cognac -
Armagnac -
Calvados -
Class Notice
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Wine and Food Regional Pairing assignment is due on this Thursday, 10/07. If you need a refresher as to what you need to do, refer to my posting on 09/18. If you are going to be absent for some reason (other than you did not complete the assignment) let me know in advance for approval to make up the assignment. Please be prepared and review the syllabus to make sure you have everything that is required.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A couple of links to "breaking" wine news
Monday, September 27, 2010
Class on Thursday
Here is their address;
And a link to the map;,0,2221652511676302187&ei=s0ihTOWgL4H88AbX8YH0Dw&ved=0CBkQnwIwAQ&hnear=&ll=41.170853,-96.099644&spn=0.007478,0.013797&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
Let me know if there are questions. Again remember we start at 5pm instead of the usual 6pm.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Classic Wine and Food Pairing Assignment
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Posting your beverage diary - READ CAREFULLY
Once per week starting 09/16/10 thru 11/18/10 each student must post at least once per week, a beverage diary, for a total of 10 entries. Each entry must include three new beverages (all in one posting) you have tasted that week, alcoholic or non-alcoholic.
1. Three new beverages sampled that week.
2. The complete name of beverages. If a mixed drink include all the ingredients or recipe for the beverage, so that we know what you were tasting.
3. The bouquet/aroma of the beverage.
4. The beverage flavors.
5. What food you would pair beverages with.
6. Over all impressions of each beverage and whether you buy/drink again.
DUE: 09/16/10 thru 11/18/10
There is no right or wrong posting, if you do all of the above requirements you will receive all of the points. However if you do not meet all of the requirements in your posts you will receive no points for that posting, so be sure you read carefully what is required. If you have questions let me know!